Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Solemn High Mass Sung in the Usus Antiquior at the Roman Basilica of S. Pudenziana

Since the advent of Summorum Pontificum there have been many positive fruits in Rome and this is one proof: the birth of the “Gruppo di Preghiera San Gregorio” (Prayer Group of St. Gregory). 

This simple group is made up of clergy and lay alike, mostly students, who celebrate Sung Mass in the Extraordinary Form at different Rome locations. 

The next Mass will likely be a votive Mas of the Virgin Mary in Advent, scheduled the morning of Saturday, December 12th (the Rorate Mass), which is properly done early in the morning, by candlelight, if possible.

Thank You, Lord, for this rich liturgical heritage!

And thanks, too, to der Heiligen Vater! 


  1. > "...a votive Mas of the Virgin Mary in Advent, scheduled the morning of Saturday, December 12th"

    Why a votive Mass? That day is the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which Mass has its own propers!
