Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Choir Dress

Future pope.


  1. The man who, if not outright responsible, was openly supportive the radical progressives who destroyed not only the Holy Mass (with the Novus Ordo), religious life-with extreme dissenting and progressive reforms--much of which he approved of, and of a destabilizing of the Catholic Faith in Latin America by his and his associates open enthusiastic support for both Liberation Theology, and "base christian communties"....both of which practically destroyed the Catholic Church in Latin America.
    Does he stand condemned? The statistics, and the massive turn away from and collapse of the Church under his leadership and his sucessors speaks volumns in a negative sense.

  2. I guess Almighty God made a mistake and should have chosen "anonymous" as Pope?

  3. Michael:

    Well the fact of the matter is that he was behind most of this. Popes can fall into error, teach heresy or break from tradition when they are not acting or speaking infallibly. The Popes are not infallible in absolutely everything they say and do and that includes John Paul II.

    Current or future Popes have the power to officially condemn injustices and errors commited by previous Pontiffs and they have done in the past and it is reserved to them alone to do so officially.

    However, the Pope is still our superior, the Vicar of Christ so we still owe him just as much reverence and respect despite his faults and short comings.

    So let's leave it at that.
