Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Good Old Days Today

Founded in Anno Domini 1198.


  1. Beautiful habit, but sorry to see the pants underneath the habit. Needs a new tailor to lengthen the habit.
    Sometimes this really looks ridiculous.

    I once had an Augustinian priest in Highschool as a teacher, who almost never wore his habit, but when he did it was (no joke), half-way up his leg. Looked riduculous. Three sizes too short.

    The Trinitarians are a great Order...there's quite a good number of them in Italy....but you'd think they'd know who to measure their habits.
    Glad they are wearing them, but the black capes would have been nice too. And sandals.
    No slacks though.

  2. There were still too many (mostly late middle aged and older------60-65-70) priests in the crowd during the Pope's Vespers for Religious slumming aroundin clergy shirts, multicolored pants, and sweather, windbreakers, and jackets.
    Really bad form for priests in Rome.

    Bring back mandatory rules.........friars in habits, diosecean priests in cassocks and saturnos.

  3. you say that now, but put yourself in their shoes; how would you life to wear that stuff in the summer! It would be nice, but is it really practical to wear all the time? No
