Sunday, February 13, 2011

Vatican Nun


  1. Too bad she is elderly, I hope they have vocations.
    Whatever happened to the old Catholic tradition on nuns going out only in pairs, or even more?

    You are so lucky to be living in Rome, and bringing us these great photos. It gives heart to traditional Catholics that although greatly depleted thanks to Vatican II, there are still sights in Rome (Religious orders of monks, friars,priests, seminarians and nuns) where the true Catholic spirit has not been extinguished.

    All the updated Vatican II Orders will die out, but these Orders, even if depleted from former greatness, will grow again with many holy vocations.

  2. The spouse of Christ in all her hidden glory!

  3. She is a Benedictine nun wearing the cocolla, i.e. the traditional monastic choir habit. Perhaps she was going to attend a liturgical celebration in St. Peter's Basilica.

  4. Anonymous don't you mean thanks to the "hijackers" of Vatican II?
