Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sister Act - Oh Maria


  1. Why is this irreverant video posted on this website? It's not funny, it's not cute. A hymn to the Mother of God being reduced to this level is not only scandalous but ridiculous and very post Vatican II in the USA I might add. Isn't there enough irreverance in our parishes already? Why don't you have this song sung at holy communion at a High Mass and see how it goes.

    1. I second your comment,Anonymous; JESVS + MARIA,

      Mark Grillo, TOC, RISMA

    2. Thank you, Anonymous, IESVS + MARIA,

      Mark Grillo,TOC,RISMA

  2. CCC 2148 Blasphemy is directly opposed to the second commandment. It consists in uttering against God - inwardly or outwardly - words of hatred, reproach, or defiance; in speaking ill of God; in failing in respect toward him in one's speech; in misusing God's name. St. James condemns those "who blaspheme that honorable name [of Jesus] by which you are called."78 The prohibition of blasphemy extends to language against Christ's Church, the saints, and sacred things. It is also blasphemous to make use of God's name to cover up criminal practices, to reduce peoples to servitude, to torture persons or put them to death. The misuse of God's name to commit a crime can provoke others to repudiate religion.

  3. Caro JPSonnen, ci siamo conosciuti a maggio 2011 per il Convegno sul Motu Proprio, organizzato da P. Vincenzo Nuara. Martedì 31 luglio prossimo stiamo organizzando una Santa Messa in forma straordinaria a San Pietro, alle ore 17.15. Spero che possa esserci anche tu e che tu possa aiutarci ad organizzare. Ti lascio il mio cell. 340 669 57 41. Avvisiamo tutti gli amici e passiamo la parola. Grazie. Ciao, Alessandro

  4. Su questo blog trovi altre informazioni dettagliate sull'evento:

    Cerchiamo in particolare un gruppo che possa aiutarci nel canto e nel servizio liturgico. Ho visto che tu frequenti la parrocchia della SS. Trinità dei pellegrini. Potremmo coinvolgere qualcuno di loro?
    Ciao, Alessandro

  5. Tell him the stole goes under the chasuble.

  6. Alessandro, grazie dell'messaggio.

    A questo momento non sono in Italia. Ci siamo qui all'estero, in Canada.

    Per un gruppo cosi bisogna rivolgersi al parocco della Santissima Trinita.

    Intanto, avvisiamo tutti e passiamo la parola.

  7. I know you mean this as a joke, but I don't find this video funny at all. A beautiful Catholic hymn is turned into pure banality, I really don't understand what's so funny. The Church has lived through enough innovation.

  8. Dear Mr.Sonnen, Could you please remove this Blasphemy against Our Blessed Lady Mary? In calling this Blasphemy,I pass no judgment as to your intentions,something which God alone knows. I do my Christian duty as a baptized Catholic to defend the honor of the All-Holy Virgin Mother of God.I will pray the Seven Sorrows for you and I humbly ask you to pray for me. Thank you very much.
    Mark Grillo,TOC,RISMA

  9. Care Iohannes Paule,

    Hoc video non est dignum tuo excellentissimo Catholico blog. Si placet, aufer id aut fortasse pro eo substitue hoc multo melius, illustrius, vero Catholicum film.

  10. I think everyone needs to calm down. I don't see how this is "blasphemy" at all. It is a movie, not liturgy. When was the last time we Catholics were portrayed in a positive way in a Hollywood film? Just because it isn't Gregorian Chant is no reason to call it "blasphemy".

    1. You're right. I don't find this at all disrespectful, somewhat humorous, but certainly not blasphemous. The second & third verses done in the style of a Negro spiritual are novel, but sort of neat. And then the Latin thrown in to top it off! :)

    2. To "Anonymous": "It is a movie, not liturgy...". The Immaculate Ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of God, is always and everywhere, the IMMACULATE,EVER-VIRGIN MARY,MOTHER of GOD. Her sublime Dignity,Person and Honor do not change at all, just because you suddenly go from a church to the theater, otherwise one could, applying your "thinking", justify "Dogma", "J***s C****t Superstar", and eventually, "Hail Mary". We have all been affected by the poison of Rationalism,Modernism,Relativism,Naturalism,Liberalism, just as in days of old the "whole world groaned to find itself Arian..."; pull yourself together, but above all humble yourself before Our Blessed Lady Mary and humbly beg Her pardon...I will be praying for you;please pray for me as well. IESVS + MARIA, Mark Grillo, TOC, RISMA

    3. To "Anonymous": "It is a movie, not liturgy...". The Immaculate Ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of God, is always and everywhere, the IMMACULATE,EVER-VIRGIN MARY,MOTHER of GOD. Her sublime Dignity,Person and Honor do not change at all, just because you suddenly go from a church to the theater, otherwise one could, applying your "thinking", justify "Dogma", "J***s C****t Superstar", and eventually, "Hail Mary". We have all been affected by the poison of Rationalism,Modernism,Relativism,Naturalism,Liberalism, just as in days of old the "whole world groaned to find itself Arian..."; pull yourself together, but above all humble yourself before Our Blessed Lady Mary and humbly beg Her pardon...I will be praying for you;please pray for me as well. IESVS + MARIA, Mark Grillo, TOC, RISMA

  11. Dear "Anonymous", True, as you say, "It is a movie, not the Liturgy...".However, the Immaculate Ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of God, is always and everywhere, the IMMACULATE EVER-VIRGIN MARY, MOTHER of GOD. Just as in the days of old when "the whole world groaned to find itself Arian", you are clearly affected by one or more of those poisons which cloud the minds, to one degree or another, most of us: Relativism, Rationalism, Modernism, Liberalism, Naturalism, etc. First, I would like to recommend in fraternal Charity, that you re-examine your devotion to Our Lady, (cf.True Devotion to Mary by St.Louis De Montfort), and secondly, that you read St.Thomas Aquinas on correct thinking. In the meantime, I will pray for you, and I humbly request that you pray for me. Thank you, IESVS + MARIA, Mark Grillo, TOC, RISMA

  12. The film is a profanation; taking that which is
    holy and treating it in a wordly sense.

    Would the two "anoymouses" like to see their own natural mothers treated in this way? I think not. So, why treat Our heavenly Mother in such a fashion?

    A Devotee

  13. The unmitigated spirit of arrogance and presumption on the part of traditionalists never ceases to amaze me!

  14. Mr Sonnen

    Perhaps this can make reparation for the poor judgement you exhibited in your previous video/post:

    A Devotee

  15. How about this one, Mr. Sonnen?

  16. Mr Sonnen,

    Here is the vocal version of the Blessed singing
    the Salve Regina as the mount the scaffel.

  17. You pretend to be Catholic...but eventually the tail of the Devil is revealed...First, Gerhard Muller denies the Virginity of Mary <> now, you deny her dignity. When we meet upon the Compass and the Square [Freemasonry] thank God -! I won't be there...
