Monday, August 6, 2012

Merry del Val: Santo Subito


  1. Merry del Val will NEVER be a saint, for various and very well known reasons ... which are a little difficult to expose here.
    If you master french language, read the book "Mission à Rome" from the huge work "Les Hommes de bone Volonté" of Jules Romains and you will understand why.

  2. I haven't heard of any formal immpediment to canonization.

    But I think a cause has already been opened and Saint Pius X certainly considered him a Saint.

    Jose J. Lopes

  3. I have always wondered why his cause was halted. It was opened but then stopped. I know he had enemies in the Vatican but they are today long dead. The Congregation for Saints offers no reason for the cause being in limbo. Money couldn't be the cause as he was from a wealthy family and people would would be generous in his cause.
    I was always in awe of him and thought him a worthy candidate for the altars.
    So, I ask -- why was the cause stopped and why does one writer say he will NEVER be asaint.
